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Jak and Daxter - The Lost Frontier (USA) (PSN Version)


NPUG-80030 - Jak and Daxter - The Lost Frontier (USA) (PSN Version)
Rar: 879mb -- Iso: 1386mb -- Cso: 981mb

Parts 1 to 9 - 80030U.#.rar =
PPF Patch - 80030UPPF.rar =
Comments: Untouched ISO, A patch for 5.00/5.03 CFW is included too...
Game has a lot of version checks in it, game decryptor missed a lot of them.
I've manually patched all the checks so the game should work on 5.00/5.03

To patch the game, extract the RAR and run the 'NPUG-80030Patch' file.
The patch program will only work on Windows Operating Systems.

Use the PPF Patch if you have already downloaded an untouched PSN version
or if you are using Linux or Mac (a PPF Patch Applier program is needed).
There is a link to a topic at the top of this post on applying PPF patches.


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